Chris Neighbors is a Media Producer and Science Communicator based in San Diego and working everywhere tacos flow freely.



Like so many film students from the University of Texas, Chris is a tumbleweed that blew out West. He cut his teeth in Los Angeles running cameras during the new media boom, and with Defy Media, received first hand experience in digital storytelling. Afterwards, he moved against the current to San Diego and signed on with LYON Associates, where he helped tell stories in the technology and medical fields for Becton Dickinson, Qualcomm, and Illumina. After plenty of hands-on experience, he started with Tongal, a crowdsourced production platform, where he collaborated with other talented filmmakers and innovative brands like National Geographic, Abbott, Bank of America, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, and Nature Made.

After years of working with some of the nation’s top brands, Chris wanted to focus on his passion for non-fiction narratives and science communication and accepted a fellowship with PBS & NOVA as a producer. Chris particularly enjoys unravelling environmental stories, and along the way, he picked up a Masters in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. When he is not working commercially, Chris lends his expertise toward non-profit and eco-minded organizations.

Away from production, Chris spends his time searching the Mojave with his wife and trail running. Occasionally, he can be found writing short autobiographies in the third person.